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A virtual caricature workshop is the perfect team building activity to draw out your team's creativity. You just need a pencil, paper and the zoom video conferencing app. Michael will share his screen and you will draw along with him. It’s fun, it’s creative and there’s a prize to be won for the best caricature drawing in the workshop. You can also book michael to come to your office, school or venue to do the workshop in person. 

What happens during the workshop


Quick introduction - I will introduce myself and briefly explain what a caricature is. (2 - 5 minutes)


'How to draw features' exercise. - I will break down how you can draw different parts of the face like the eyes, nose, mouth, ear and head shapes. Participants will along with me. (8 - 15 minutes)


Caricature drawing challenge - I will draw a person of your choosing  and participants will draw along with me. I will draw the face in simple steps at a speed that will allow participants to easily follow along and draw at the same time. (15 - 35 minutes)


Feedback - I will pick out a couple of people and give feedback on their drawings. I will then select the top 3 drawings based on 3 categories. Best Likeness, Best drawing Technique and The drawing showcasing the most Flair/Creativity. (3 - 10 minutes)


Caricature Prize - Participants will then be asked to vote  for the best overall drawing from the top 3 selected drawings.  The winner will get a detailed colour caricature by me. The drawing will be completed after the event will be delivered to the winner by emailed. (2 - 5 minutes)

Virtual Caricature Workshops can last between 20 minutes and 90 minutes per session

Face to face caricature workshops can last between 30 minutes and 120 minutes per session


Workshop Enquiry form

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do you need to set up for face to face workshops?

Approximately 20 minutes

How far can you travel?

Anywhere in the world subject to availability.

Do you need specific equipment or conditions to offer your service?

Face to face workshops - tables and chairs for participants. Each participant will also need 4 sheets of paper and a pencil.

Virtual workshop - Virtual workshops can be conducted on Zoom, Google meet or Microsoft Teams. Participants will be sent a link to join the sessions. each participant will need to have 2 sheets of paper and a pencil.

Is the caricature workshop engaging enough for my company's  team building event?

Here are 3 reasons why its perfect for team building event

- team members can caricature each other during the workshops.

- there's a drawing competition at the end of the workshop and prizes to be won

- It can be conducted online (zoom, teams, Meet) so you can take part from anywhere. 

Can you come to our school, college or university and do the workshop there?

Yes you can book me to do a workshop at your school, college or University.

Is the workshop suitable for children?

Absolutely, a caricature workshop is perfect for children or adults of any age and drawing level

Can you do One to One caricature drawing workshops?

Yes I can do one to one caricature workshops for children and adults. Children under 16 years old will need to be accompanied by an adult for the full duration of the workshop. 

Do you offer reoccurring drawing lessons?

Yes I can offer reoccurring drawing lessons. My area of expertise are caricature drawing, watercolour painting, character design and Digital illustration.

How do payments work?

You pay a 20% Deposit to secure your booking. The remaining balance can be paid in cash on the day or by bank transfer or card 3 days before the event. ​

Please email me if you have any further questions.

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