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Michael Kyeyune | Live Artist & Illustrator |Milton Keynes, UK


Michael was born in Uganda and moved to the UK with his family when he was 11 years old.
He has always drawn for as long as he could remember. At home, his drawings could be found on any surface within his reach. Whether it was paper, school books, walls, desks, or doors, Michael's creativity knew no bounds, often to his parents' dismay.

After completing high school, Michael pursued his passion for art at Coventry University where he studied illustration and animation. Following his graduation in 2013, Michael was eager to jumpstart his career in illustration. It was around this time that a friend recommended him for a caricaturist position at the iconic London Eye. Securing the job, Michael spent just over a year there, refining his ability to draw quickly while captivating tourists with his infectious personality and good looks.


While working at the London Eye, Michael stumbled upon an opportunity to showcase his talents at events. Inspired by this experience, he founded MKcaricatures, specialising in live drawing entertainment at weddings, corporate functions, and parties. As his business grew, Michael expanded his offerings to include other illustration services, such as his now award-winning caricature wedding stationery, personalised gifts and drawing workshops.

Today, Michael's client list boasts a diverse range of clients, including multi industry giants such as Microsoft, Adobe, Audi, Porsche, Skoda, Honda, Mini, Deliveroo, John Lewis, Sainsbury's, and many more.

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